
Analysis of the emissions reduction contributions of Danish municipalities towards meeting the 70% target by 2030


november 2023

41 sider

Prepared by:
Ea Energianalyse
In collaboration with CONCITO – Denmark’s green think tank


97 of the 98 municipalities in Denmark have developed, or are developing, a C40-approved climate action plan compatible with the Paris Agreement. In this report, Ea Energianalyse analyses the 92 climate action plans developed so far.

Climate change is inevitable, but if we can reverse the trend and rapidly bring down emissions of greenhouse gases, we can still potentially mitigate the most severe consequences. This requires a concerted and massive effort by governments, businesses, local decision-makers, and citizens.

As many as 97 of the 98 municipalities in Denmark have developed, or are developing, a C40-approved climate action plan compatible with the Paris Agreement. In this report, Ea Energianalyse analyses the 92 climate action plans so far developed by the municipalities, and the results are encouraging. The goal of the municipalities is to reduce their emissions by a combined 76% by 2030 relative to the 1990 level. This is six percentage points more than the national target of 70%.